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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a natural healing art and science based on the fact that the human body has recuperative, self-healing capabilities, and that there is a correlation between skeletal structure and optimum bodily function. The interdependence of structure and function, and the relationship between the nervous system—particularly the spinal nerves—and the rest of the body is the core element of chiropractic’s approach to healing and wellness.

Chiropractic Explained

When your body was formed, a genetic blueprint was created that determined the color of your eyes and millions of other details about your body.

To control and organize your body’s growth, the nervous system, consisting of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of your body were the first tissues formed. Your nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body.

Your brain is protected by the skull. The vital communication pathway of the spinal cord is vulnerable, covered by 24 moving bones of the spinal column. Pairs of nerve roots branch off the spinal cord from between each spinal joint to service the organs and tissues of your body. Because of the way your spine is designed, improper motion or position of spinal bones irritate or choke delicate nerves – interfering with the function of the tissues they control. Doctors call this subluxation.

Subluxation, the irritation or choking of nerves at the spinal joint due to misalignment, can occur from trauma to the spine at birth, or from car accidents, poor diet, long periods of sitting, and many other daily activities which cause the bones that cover your spinal joint to lose their normal position and motion.

Without a normal nerve supply, affected organs and tissues are more susceptible to disease, often producing the symptoms of pain and ill health.

So you don’t just need an adjustment “when your back hurts” or because you were in an accident. Regular adjustments can keep your entire body healthier and functioning at a higher condition. Even when not ill or in pain a monthly adjustment can make your body’s future healthier and more cooperative to your demands.

Shockwave Radial Pulse Therapy

For more information on how we are managing pain and other symptoms with this amazing device Click here

What are some of the symptoms can we treat:

  • Radial and ulnar epicondylitis
  • Tendinitis of the shoulder
  • Acute calcific tendinitis of the shoulder
  • Post muscular injury
  • Patellar tendinopathy
  • Achillodynia
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Myofascial trigger point therapy – neck
  • Myofascial trigger point therapy – back
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Periostitis / Shin splints
  • Dupuytren’s disease
  • Thumb basal joint arthritis / rhizarthrosis
What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing

  • Have you already gone the so-called “conventional medical route” or even to other alternative practitioners, with no results or actual worsening?
  • Are these conditions having a negative impact on your personal life, your relationships with your spouse or children, your career or job performance, and/or your personal finances?
  • Do you see that as time goes on, these conditions are not only not getting better, but will probably continue to worsen and not just fade away?
  • Are you ready to make a positive demand for improvement that will put you back in charge of your own health?

If you answered yes to these questions, and have made a personal demand on yourself to get these situations handled once and for all, then there is hope, and you have come to the right place.

Our history of results in a wide range of cases tells us that if:

  1. You are found to be a Nutrition Response Testing case, and
  2. You follow our recommendations as closely as possible, and
  3. You stay with the program long enough to achieve maximum correction of the underlying causes of your health problem

You will have the best chance of achieving the maximum results possible.

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.

Nutrition Response Testing is very precise and scientific. However, if I were to analyze you using Nutrition Response Testing before it was explained to you, you might find it strange, or simply not believable – only because it is probably very different from anything you may have experienced before.

When I first saw this type of work being done, I had the same reaction: “Hmm, what is this strange stuff?”

No one was more skeptical than I was. As a result, I studied Nutrition Response Testing extensively to see if it was for real. And I sure am happy I did because it has greatly helped me, my family and so many of our patients attain greater health.

If you want to get healthy and stay healthy, it is important that you understand what Nutrition Response Testing is and what our recommendations are based on.

That way you will be more likely to follow through and do what is needed in order to get well.

Our Unique Approach

In a conventional medical practice, there are two key parts: the diagnosis (identifying and/or naming the “disease” or syndrome) and the treatment which usually consists of drugs, surgery, or radiation, to attack or suppress the symptom, or to remove or destroy the “offending” organ or part.

In Nutrition Response Testing we do not diagnose or treat disease – but we also have two parts: the analysis (the assessment of your body’s current health status) and the Personalized Natural Health Improvement Program (using designed clinical nutrition).

Simply put, first we do an analysis, and then we design a natural health improvement program to correct the cause of the problem so that the body can regain the ability to heal or correct itself.

First the “Analysis”


The analysis is done by testing neurological reflexes and specific acupuncture points on the body’s surface.

This analysis gives us an energy assessment of how well the organs and systems of the body are functioning.

The neurological reflexes are derived from the part of the nervous system whose job is to regulate the functions of each and every organ. The acupuncture points are selected from the ancient Chinese system of acupuncture, which is thousands of years old.

Since human anatomy has not changed significantly in thousands of years, these reflexes and acupuncture points have become extremely useful in our practice because they are so reliable!

Each Nutrition Response Testing reflex corresponds to a specific organ, system, or function. It helps us determine the effect that energy, or the lack of energy, is having on your overall health. Nutrition Response Testing also provides a system of monitoring your body at each visit. This has proven to be extremely accurate clinically, and helps us identify exactly what the body needs and how well we are meeting that need.

Doesn’t this sound like something you would want for yourself in order to predict, with certainty, what is needed and wanted by the body to get you to the next stage of improved health?

How Do We Do The Nutrition Response Testing Analysis?

If I were to hook you up to an electro-cardiograph machine and take a reading, that would make perfect sense to you, right?

What is actually happening during this procedure?

Electrical energy from the heart is running over the wires. This electrical energy makes the electrocardiograph record the energy pattern in the form of a graph or chart. I could then study this graph and tell you what it all means. Instead of connecting electrodes to the reflex areas being tested, the Nutrition Response Testing practitioner contacts these areas with their own hands.

With the other hand, he/she will test the muscle of your extended arm. If the reflex being contacted is “active”, the nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm, and the arm will weaken and drop. This drop signifies underlying stress or dysfunction, which can be affecting your health.

Why is the Person Who Referred You Feeling Better?

When we did a Nutrition Response Testing analysis for him or her, we found the “active” reflexes. We then made specific nutritional recommendations to help the body return to an improved state of health.

Most importantly, that person followed through on our recommendations.

We are prepared to do the exact same thing for you now. Isn’t that exciting? However, the best is yet to come.

How Do We Create Your “Personalized Health Improvement Program”.

Let’s say the liver or kidney reflexes are active. Then what?

Our next step is to test specific, time-tested and proven, highest-possible quality nutritional formulas against those active areas, to find which ones bring the reflexes back to normal.

An important part of the analysis is detecting whether or not there are any barriers to healing (e.g. environmental toxins, immune challenges, major food sensitivities, etc.) which might exist, and how to remedy these to open the door to maximizing results.

Based on decades of clinical experience, once we have identified the correct nutritional supplements and doses for you, along with your specific dietary guidelines, we have created the ideal program, using designed clinical nutrition to get you started back on the road to health.

What is “Designed Clinical Nutrition”?


“Designed Clinical Nutrition” is defined as follows: designed (specially prepared based on a specific plan) clinical (relating to the results reliably attained in practice with large numbers of patients over many years) nutrition (real food, “genuine replacement parts” for the body, designed by nature to enable the body to repair itself and grow healthfully).

A designed clinical nutrition program utilizes specific dietary recommendations and whole food concentrates in a tablet, capsule or powder. They are prepared using a unique manufacturing process that preserves all of the active enzymes and vital components that make it work as Nature intended. These real food supplements have been designed to match the needs of the body, as determined by the positive response shown when tested against the active Nutrition Response Testing reflexes.

These are nutrients you are simply not getting, or not assimilating, in your current diet.

These deficiencies may be due to your past personal eating habits and routines, but it is for sure due, in some large extent, to the lack of quality of the foods commercially available in grocery stores and most restaurants today.

An example of a whole food could be carrots.

Carrots are high in Vitamin A Complex. A “complex” is something made up of many different parts that work together. Synthetic vitamin A does not contain the whole “Vitamin A Complex” found in nature. So, if we were looking for a food high in Vitamin A, carrots might be one of our choices.

If one actually were deficient in any of the components of Vitamin A Complex, one would be wise to seek out a supplement that was made from whole foods that were rich in this complex – not from chemicals re-engineered in a laboratory to look like one little part of the Vitamin A Complex that has erroneously been labeled as “Vitamin A.”

Designed Clinical Nutrition is not ‘over-the-counter’ vitamins. Over-the-counter vitamins are pharmaceutically engineered chemical fractions of vitamin structures reproduced in a laboratory. They are not “genuine replacement parts.” They lack many of the essential elements normally present in WHOLE foods. Most store bought vitamins (1) can cause other health problems; (2) create additional deficiencies and imbalances; or (3) simply don’t work because they do not contain all of the factors found in nature. Please ask about our audiotape:

“The Whole Truth About Vitamins,” an entertaining, in-depth explanation of this aspect of vitamins and other nutritional supplements.


  1. Through an analysis of your body’s reflexes, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet, in order to bring about balance and better health.
  2. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, or in powdered form to “supplement” your current diet. That’s why they are called “food supplements.”
  3. Depending on your individual situation, we might also require that you make some specific changes in your diet & eating habits, and in your daily routines, in order to bring about the best possible results.

How are These Products Produced?

One example of a designed clinical nutrition supplement that we use is called “Catalyn®*”. This product is produced by starting with a wide variety of carefully chosen organically grown vegetables, taking the water and fiber out using a vacuum, low heat process – without heating or cooking the vegetables, and then utilizing the concentrated food to make a bottle of Standard Process Catalyn Tablets.

The key to this whole procedure is the way it is done, using the “Standard Process” method:

  1. A. Standard Process nutrients are derived from plants grown on their own farms, in soil free of pesticides – and no chemicals are ever used. Ph.D.’s check the soil before the seeds are sown, to make sure of the fertility of the soil – and even the weeding is done by hand.
  2. B. The machinery involved in the processing of these products is made of glass and stainless steel only.
  3. C. The temperature used in processing harvested plants is never raised above the point of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, so that the active ingredients are not cooked; they remain active and alive, and have a very long shelf life.

Your vitality and energy is derived from live food.

Most foods today are all dead – or are not really foods at all – as in boxed cereals, canned vegetables, soda pop, etc. You can readily understand the difference between dead, devitalized pseudo-foods, with the synthetic or isolated vitamins on the one hand, and “Designed Clinical Nutrition” and a diet of real foods, on the other.

There is a Great Deal of Technology and Know-How Behind What We Do.

Nutrition Response Testing was developed as a result of decades of clinical experience on tens of thousands of patients, and on patients from many different types of health care practitioners.

A complete Nutrition Response Testing™ analysis can be done on each visit. This procedure is used to reveal deeper layers of dysfunction so these can also be addressed and corrected.


In this way, each patient gets a completely individualized program, in the correct sequence for his or her body.


Very much like opening a combination lock, you must use the right numbers in the right sequence and in the right direction at the right time — then the lock falls open.

By following the correct sequence as revealed through Nutrition Response Testing, we can determine the correct food supplements for you — designed to give your body the best possible chance of getting well and staying that way, without guesswork or cookbook solutions.

Is it Possible for You to Regain Your Health?

Many people we see in our practice have eaten themselves into their current state of ill-health, to one degree or another. The deficiencies or imbalances lead to a breakdown in resistance, or immunity, and a loss of the ability to cope with environmental stresses (chemical, microscopic, or otherwise).

So, yes, the good news is that it is possible to reverse this process!

Each cell, tissue, and organ in your body is in the process of replacing itself every day, year in and year out. The health of each organ is dependent on making the correct nutrients available to upgrade or to maintain the health of the body at a cellular level.

Designed Clinical Nutrition provides the right basic materials.

Nutrition Response Testing tells us when and what to recommend in order to help you bring about the desired result.

With this understanding of what we do, can you see how it is possible that we might be able to help you do something effective to get yourself well?


And once that is achieved, do you see how you might be able to use this approach to stay well?

Now you have the complete 1-2-3 package. You now know:

  1. What we do
  2. How and why we do it
  3. What you need to do to have the potential of restoring your health and staying healthy.

But in the end you are the one responsible for your own condition. And with our guidance, we feel that – if you are a Nutrition Response Testing case – your chances of greatly improving your health can be as high as 90% or better.

How Do You Qualify to be a Nutrition Response Testing Patient?

Our long-term experience in a wide variety of cases tells us the first thing we must determine is whether or not you are a “Nutrition Response Testing Case”. If someone is NOT a “Nutrition Response Testing Case” than it is unlikely that Nutrition Response Testing will ever help you. However, if you are a “Nutrition Response Testing Case”, then, in our experience, it is our belief that nothing else will help you as much.

If our analysis indicates that you are not a Nutrition Response Testing / nutritional case, then in all probability, while a nutritional program may give you some benefit, it may not give you the maximum results you desire.

We wish you the best of luck in your quest to take back full responsibility for your health. Just remember to do it one step at a time, and that we are here to guide you in that quest.

Once we accept your case, and you know what is required of you, you can count on us to do everything in our power to help you achieve your health objectives. In this way we can work together to help you achieve a healthier, happier life.

May you never be the same.


Deep Tissue, Swedish, and other therapeutic exercises. Sports massage and Active release therapy.
(PNF Stretching) Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

What is Flexion Distraction

Flexion Distraction is the gentle, safe, controlled treatment for spinal pain relief.

Flexion distraction drops intradiscal pressures as low as -192mmHg and widens the spinal canal area by as much as 28%. As a bonus, flexion distraction returns motion to the spinal joints, too.

Spinal pain related conditions that may benefit from Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression may include: 
  • Lumbar disc herniation
    Cervical disc herniation
  • Neck and Arm Pain
  • Low back Pain
  • Leg Pain
  • Thoracic disc herniation
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet syndrome
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Headache
  • Compression defects
  • Loss of spine lordosis
  • Loss of range of spinal motion
  • Whiplash-type injuries
  • Failed Back Surgical Syndrome – FBSS)
  • Scoliosis (not to cure, but to maintain mobility of the curve)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Transitional segment / Bertolotti’s Syndrome
  • Pregnancy back pain
  • Subluxation
  • Postural faults
  • Mechanical back pain
  • Osteoarthritis of spine
  • Patients unable to tolerate vigorous adjustment
  • Synovial Cyst
  • Coccydynia
  • Mechanical back pain (such as that accompanying ankylosing spondylitis, collagen vascularizing diseases, pelvic pain, pregnancy)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neurological Diseases (such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, Klippel Feil Syndrome
  • Knee Pain
Treating ADD/ADHD/Memory
  • Are you pulling your hair out in frustration because your child has bad grades in school?
  • Are you sick and tired of the phone calls from teachers?
  • Are you at your rope’s end, afraid that your child will not “make it” in life?
  • Do you worry about giving your child drugs for ADHD?
  • Have the “experts” told you to forget about diet as natural ADHD treatments – that the only way to reach success is through drugs?

Well, you’re not alone. In fact…Most parents don’t want their children using drugs for ADHD. Oh sure, you’ll see improvements using drugs to treat ADHD. Most everyone does. After all, the common drugs used to treat ADD and ADHD are amphetamines which enhance productivity.

But you’ll also discover the brutal truth that ultimately reaches you…these improvements are only temporary. Once you stop taking the ADHD drugs, the symptoms reappear. You might also discover that these drugs have side effects. And, over time the body requires you to take more and more to reach the same results as the body develops a tolerance to the drugs.

98% of people with ADHD will NEVER see significant and lasting changes by following the “conventional” routes of treating ADD and ADHD.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — also referred to ADD or ADHD — is a biological, brain based condition that is characterized by poor attention and distractibility and/or hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. It is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. Symptoms may continue into adolescence and adulthood. If left untreated, ADHD can lead to poor school/work performance, poor social relationships and a general feeling of low self esteem.

The most prevalent symptoms of ADHD are inattention and distractibility and/or hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Difficulties with concentration, mental focus, and inhibition of impulses and behaviors are chronic and pervasive and impair an individual’s daily functioning across various settings — home, school or work, in relationships, etc.

While no one really knows what causes ADHD, it is generally agreed by the medical and scientific community that ADHD is biological in nature. Many believe that it results from a chemical imbalance in the brain.  A lot of today’s research suggests that genetics plays a major role in ADHD. It has been generally considered that approx. 50% of ADHD cases can be explained by genetics. It is obvious that not every case of ADHD can be explained by genetics though. It would seem that there are other causal agents at work. There is a strongly held belief by some people that additives and food allergies cause the behavioral symptoms of ADHD.

Investigators have suggested that some of the following could be responsible for ADHD symptoms:

Today, stimulants (such as Ritalin) have become widely used in the treatment of ADHD children. It is suspected that stimulants works through the release of powerful chemical messengers in the brain called neurotransmitters. Below is the clinical information on this powerful narcotic.


Brand name: Ritalin


Methylphenidate should not be used in children under 6 years of age, since safety and efficacy in this age group have not been established.(Right off of there web page!)

Adverse Effects

Nervousness and insomnia are the most common adverse reactions reported with methylphenidate but are usually controlled by reducing dosage and omitting the drug in the afternoon or evening. Decreased appetite is also common but usually transient.

Central and Peripheral Nervous System:
Dizziness, drowsiness, headache, and dyskinesia may occur. Isolated cases of the following have been reported: hyperactivity, convulsions, muscle cramps, choreo-athetoid movements, tics, or exacerbation of pre-existing tics, Tourette’s syndrome, and psychotic episodes including hallucinations which subsided when methylphenidate was discontinued. Psychic dependence in emotionally unstable persons has occurred rarely with chronic treatment. Although a definite causal relationship has not been established, isolated cases of transient depressed mood have been reported.

Symptoms of visual disturbances have been encountered in rare cases. Difficulties with accommodation and blurring of vision have been reported.

Nausea and abdominal pain may occur at the start of treatment and may be alleviated if taken with food.

Palpitations, blood pressure and pulse changes (both up and down), tachycardia, angina and cardiac arrhythmias.

Skin and/or Hypersensitivity:
Rash, pruritus, urticaria, fever, arthralgia, and alopecia. Isolated cases of exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme with histopathological findings of necrotizing vasculitis, and thrombocytopenic purpura.


Contact us to explore options for your child.

Treating Colic

Defined as periods of irritability, fussiness and inconsolable crying in a healthy baby, colic is often a default diagnosis. Pain from sources other than the gastrointestinal tract can be improperly diagnosed as colic. If a baby is crying inconsolably, it is very difficult to know if he is actually suffering from a digestive disturbance. Since many subluxations in infants are in the upper cervical area, there is a strong possibility, especially when there has been a history of birth trauma, that these babies are suffering from head and neck pain.
In a study looking at babies receiving chiropractic care for colic, 94 percent of parents saw improvement in their baby’s behavior within two weeks of care. A little over half of these babies had already been unsuccessfully treated, usually by pharmacological means. Another study found 91 percent of babies experienced a reduction in colicky behavior following as little as two chiropractic adjustments.

Treating Ear Infections
  • Ear infections are a secondary disease due to complications of other conditions such as the common cold. Ear infections affect two thirds of American children by two years of age making it the most common diagnosis of children and the second most common diagnosis in medicine. Children are more susceptible to ear infections because of the angle of the drainage tube called the Eustachian tube. In a child, this tube is horizontal allowing for germs to more easily invade. In addition, the horizontal tube makes it more difficult for fluid to drain properly from the middle ear also promoting infection.

    By treating the neck in a child, chiropractors can help alleviate and/or prevent ear infections. Chiropractic adjustments promote drainage of fluids within the middle ear, preventing bacteria from having the opportunity to reproduce.

Treating Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome (“CFS”) is a condition that causes fatigue severe enough to interfere with a person’s ability to participate in formal work, recreation or social activities. Fatigue caused by CFS does not improve substantially with rest. Once believed to be “all in your head,” most experts now agree it is a distinct physical disease with physical symptoms. CFS may develop without warning in a person who has not been sick. In some cases, it develops after a viral illness or after a period of unusual stress. The fatigue may develop gradually or quite suddenly. Because fatigue can be vague and can be caused by many factors, people may not pay attention to the problem for several weeks or months.


While there is no cure for CFS, chiropractic focuses on reducing fatigue and other symptoms and helping the person resume an active lifestyle.

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

At the base of the palm is a narrow passage through which tendons and nerves must pass on their way to the hand and fingers. This is what we call “The Carpal Tunnel”.

If anything takes up extra room, things become too tight and the nerve in the passage becomes constricted or “pinched”. This pinching of the nerve causes numbness and tingling in the area of the hand that the nerve travels to resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

By properly aligning and restoring the function of the joints of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and neck, chiropractic treats the cause of the nerve irritation. All of the nerves that go into the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, and fingers come from the neck. Improper misalignment of the joints in the neck will cause irritation, “pinching” to these nerves.

Treating Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (“FM”) is a chronic condition marked by widespread muscular and joint pain, as well as specific “tender points” that occasionally occur in the neck, spine, hips and shoulders. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances and fatigue, depression and irritable bowel syndrome. The condition affects an estimated 2% to 4% of the population, but an estimated 80% of sufferers are women, most of them working age, so FM has obvious consequences in terms of employment and family stress.


A recent study concluded that one-third of the people who participated in aerobic exercise rated themselves as “much or very much better’ after three months of exercise. After one year of exercise, the benefits were still maintained. In much the same way, chiropractic helps to ease the pain and put the sufferer in a better physical space.

Treating Headaches

At the base of the palm is a narrow passage through which tendons and nerves must pass on their way to the hand and fingers. This is what we call “The Carpal Tunnel”.

If anything takes up extra room, things become too tight and the nerve in the passage becomes constricted or “pinched”. This pinching of the nerve causes numbness and tingling in the area of the hand that the nerve travels to resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

By properly aligning and restoring the function of the joints of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and neck, chiropractic treats the cause of the nerve irritation. All of the nerves that go into the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, and fingers come from the neck. Improper misalignment of the joints in the neck will cause irritation, “pinching” to these nerves.

Treating Low Back Pain

Back pain is the second most common neurological ailment in the United States, only headache is more common. Acute low back pain generally lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Most acute back pain is mechanical in nature. Pain from trauma may be caused by a sports injury, work around the house or in the garden, or a sudden jolt such as a car accident or other stress on spinal bones and tissues.

Symptoms may range from muscle ache to shooting or stabbing pain, limited flexibility and/or range of motion, and an inability to stand straight. Occasionally pain felt in one part of the body may “radiate” from a disorder or injury elsewhere in the body. Some acute pain syndromes can become more serious if left untreated.

Treating Sciatica

The sciatic nerves are the largest nerve in the body. Pain can travel anywhere from the middle of the low back into the buttocks, down the back of the leg, and even to the ankle. Pain increases when arising from a seated position making it very difficult or even impossible to straighten up. Leg pain may be present with or without back pain.

Conservative treatment of sciatica utilizing chiropractic adjustments is highly effective in reducing sciatic nerve inflammation and pain. Taking medications may make the overall problem worse by masking your body’s natural defense mechanism. Your body is sending pain signals to your brain in order to prevent you from moving certain ways that could potentially further injure the back.

Treating Scoliosis

Everyone’s spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. But some people have spines that also curve from side to side. Unlike poor posture, these curves can’t be corrected simply by learning to stand up straight. This condition of side-to-side spinal curves is called scoliosis. On an x-ray, the spine of a person with scoliosis looks more like an “S” or a “C” than a straight line. Some of the bones in a scoliotic spine also may have rotated slightly, making the person’s waist or shoulders appear uneven.

Chiropractic care should be the first-line approach for all patients diagnosed with scoliosis as opposed to surgery and bracing. Treating scoliosis early is an important factor in successful treatment.

Treating Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ)

TMJ disorders refer to a complex and poorly understood set of conditions, manifested by pain the area of the jaw and associated muscles and limitations in the ability to make the normal movements of speech, facial expression, eating, chewing, and swallowing. Conditions that routinely affect other joints in the body, such as arthritis and trauma, also affect the TM joint.

TMJ patients experience one or more of the following: facial pain, pain in the jaw joint and surrounding tissues, including the ear jaw locking open or closed limited opening or inability to open the mouth comfortably headaches bite that feels uncomfortable, “off”, or as if it is continually changing neck, shoulder and back pain swelling on the side of the face.

Treating Sleep and Stress

Effects of chronic stress

The body doesn’t distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When you’re stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be “on” most of the time. The more your body’s stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off.

Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including:

  • Pain of any kind
  • Heart disease
  • Digestive problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Skin conditions, such as eczema

The following table lists some of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress. The more signs and symptoms you notice in yourself, the closer you may be to stress overload.

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms
  • Memory problems
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Poor judgment
  • Seeing only the negative
  • Anxious or racing thoughts
  • Constant worrying
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability or short temper
  • Agitation, inability to relax
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Sense of loneliness and isolation
  • Depression or general unhappiness
Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms
  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds
  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Isolating yourself from others
  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
  • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Sleep is one of the most deeply healing and revitalizing experiences known. When we can get enough restful sleep each night, the entire world looks brighter. Insomnia is a lack of healthful, restful sleep and is a common problem experienced by as many as 20% to 30% of American adults at various times in their lives. Statistics report a fifth of American adults and half of American seniors have difficulty falling asleep on any given night (Reiter and Robinson, 1995). The most prevalent sleeping disorder is chronic insomnia, which is experienced by 15% of adults.
Holistic treatment for insomnia is multifaceted and incorporates many techniques including herbal medicine, vitamin and mineral supplements, lifestyle changes, improved sleep hygiene, massage therapy, behavioral therapy, meditation, diet, exercise, hypnosis, acupuncture, relaxation, guided imagery, and homeopathy. A treatment approach is aimed at precluding all the potential causes of insomnia rather than simply providing symptomatic relief.

Treating PMS and Menstrual Issues

Headache, backache, bloating, cramping, fatigue and mood swings are symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 10-20% of women experience severe or disabling symptoms. Drugs, vitamin supplements and psychotherapy have proven ineffective with many patients reporting unpleasant side effects and only minimal relief of symptoms.

In a nine-month clinical trial involving 25 women with diagnosed PMS, patients received active chiropractic treatment 2-3 times in the week before menses for at least three menstrual cycles; the remaining patients received a placebo in the form of chiropractic “adjustments”. The results showed that PMS symptom scores decreased after chiropractic manipulation, with a significant decrease in scores for the active treatment phase compared to the non-treatment (placebo) phase.

Treating Whiplash

Injuries to the neck following a car accident are referred to as “whiplash.” Symptoms may include headaches, blurred vision, vomiting, dizziness, jaw pain, ear pain, stiffness in the neck, numbness or tingling into one or both arms, weakness in the hands. Symptoms may not fully appear until several weeks after the accident.

Early treatment is most important in order for proper healing to occur in the delicate structures of the neck. Spinal adjustments on a regular basis allow the soft tissue structures, such as discs, ligaments and muscles to heal up in their proper position.

Treating Weight Issues

It’s no mystery that a diet full of fried foods, giant portions, decadent desserts, alcohol, and sugary soft drinks will lead to weight gain. And there’s little question why the pounds pile up when you take in more calories than you burn in physical activity. But how do you explain weight gain when your lifestyle includes regular exercise and a healthy diet that is controlled in calories? Gaining weight or simple not losing it is absolutely maddening, especially when you really don’t understand why the needle on the scale keeps going up. “Weight gain is so complicated; there are so many factors that can impact your weight. It is more likely a combination of things more than just one factor,” explains Michelle May, MD

Here are five factors that can cause weight gain.

1. Lack of Sleep

2. Stress

3. Medications

4. Medical Condition

The most common medical condition that causes weight gain is hypothyroidism.  A deficiency of thyroid hormone can decrease metabolism, causing appetite loss and weight gain.

Essential fatty acids deficiencies, such as in flaxseed oil, are good fats that are needed by the body to make hormones and maintain the body’s metabolic rate. A deficiency may cause cravings, particularly for fatty foods.

The first signs of deficiency are often dandruff, dry hair and dry, scaly skin. Deficiency is also associated with arthritis, eczema, heart disease, diabetes and premenstrual syndrome.

Food Sensitivity

Reactions to foods are not always immediate. They can occur many hours later as bloating and swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, abdomen, chin and around the eyes. Much of the weight gained is fluid retention caused by inflammation and the release of certain hormones. In addition, there is fermentation of foods, particularly carbohydrates, in the intestines which can result in a swollen distended belly and gas production.

Symptoms of food sensitivity can include headache, indigestion or heartburn, fatigue, depression, joint pain or arthritis, canker sores, chronic respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, sinus congestion or bronchitis and chronic bowel problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

Kidney, Heart or Liver Disease

Disease in these organs can cause fluid retention, which appears as general puffiness all over the body, especially the eyes and ankles.

Fatty Liver

A fatty liver contains an excessive amount of fat and the normal healthy liver tissue is partly replaced with areas of unhealthy fats. A healthy liver regulates fat metabolism and is the major fat-burning organ in the body.  Indeed the healthy liver not only burns fat, it can pump excessive fat out of your body through the bile into the gut. Thus, if your liver is healthy you will not have much difficulty in controlling your weight. Conversely a liver which is fatty is doing the opposite of what it should be doing. A fatty liver is storing fat when it should be burning fat and removing excess fat from your body. Indeed a fatty liver becomes a warehouse for fat and if it is allowed to progress for many years, the liver may finally become just a “bag of fat” with dire consequences for your health and longevity.

How do you know if you have a fatty liver?

  • You will probably be overweight, especially in the abdominal area
  • You will find it very hard to lose weight
  • You may have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood
  • You may have Syndrome X
  • You may have diabetes type 2
  • You will be very tired
  • You may have problems with your immune system

How common is fatty liver?

In the USA the incidence of fatty liver is 15 to 20% of the general population and is much higher than this in obese individuals. Fatty liver is the most common cause of abnormal liver function tests in the USA. It can also occur in children.

Can you reverse a fatty liver?

I am pleased to tell you that in reality there is much that can be done to reverse the condition of fatty liver. So, fatty liver can be reversed but this can take some time – years in some cases. If you are overweight & find it very difficult to lose the excess weight it is important to look at all the factors relevant to your present weight & state of health.

5. Menopause

Weight issues – unexplained loss or gain – should be cause for concern. Nutritional Response Testing and Therapy can help treat the core problem, rather than the symptom. Watch this video testimonial from a migraine patient who is still losing weight.

Treating Allergies - Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT)

You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don’t cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Your body’s overreaction to the allergens is what causes symptoms (see the box below for a list of symptoms).


Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT), is a truly revolutionary system for dealing with allergies…one of the most stubborn health problems facing mankind today.  AACT is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method that can be used safely for anyone from infants to seniors to eliminate allergies and symptoms arising from previous exposure to allergens and their allergic manifestations.

The AACT has proven very effective in eliminating symptoms associated with allergies, food sensitivities and other conditions related to the body’s inability to process what should be harmless substances.  This technique allows us to identify allergens and to reprogram the nervous system to react appropriately to them.

Benefits of AACT

  • Multiple Allergies can be safely and effectively cleared at the same time
  • Multiple sessions can be safely and effectively given the same day (spaced 3 hours apart)
  • No “avoidance” is required on most allergens
  • No “rest period” is needed after each session
  • Easy maintenance procedure to continue the gains
  • No “after-session” reactions

Common Allergy Symptoms:

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy nose, eyes and roof of mouth
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Pressure in the nose and cheeks
  • Ear fullness and popping
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Hives


Dr. Gary Yaeger
Yaeger Chiropractic & Nutrition

925-947-0188 CLICK TO CALL

1875 Olympic Blvd, Ste 150, Walnut Creek,
CA 94596


1:30 to 5:30 pm

7:30 to 1.00 pm

7:30 to 12.00 - 2.00 to 5.00 pm

7:30 to 1:00 pm

7:30 - 1.00 pm